Two days ago, WMUR had a report on a snowmobiling accident that took place in Twin Mountain, NH. The original WMUR article stated: “James Atwood was riding on Trail 102 in Twin Mountain when he hit a treetop next to the trail, wildlife officials said. The wood impaled the machine and threw Atwood off the snowmobile.”
With a combination of snowmobile and the sled, James Atwood was taken to the Littleton Regional Hospital. He was released from the hospital on Saturday night. Investigation was being done on the crash site with officials saying “speed likely played a part.”
There is some criticism about money being wasted on this investigation as many feel this was just an accident. However, as snowmobiles are vehicles, this is normal procedure; if rider is found at fault, rider will be responsible for costs.
A family member of James’, Jodi, posted in the comments of the article stating: “Fortunately, James is doing well. Pretty shaken up but in good spirits. Thanks everyone who has wished him well!”
Make sure you keep a sharp eye out for any fallen tree branches – it can turn disastrous!