I know…who knew you were supposed to be able to actually see through your visor? Our video shows you an example right at the beginning of the clip of just how bad the moisture from your breath can cloud your visor.
We all know the Fog Thief can get rid of that helmet fog problem for snowmobilers and it makes a huge difference so that you can see. But the need to see clearly isn’t limited to just the snowmobile and winter sports crowd.
Did you know that other helmet sport participants face this problem, too?
The fogging happens because the helmet is trapping your moist breath as you breath. The fogging can happen regardless of season, temperature and location. Yep, that’s right, even motorcyclists can experience this annoying, and dangerous, side effect of wearing a helmet! This also affects ATV riders, dirt bikers and welders.
Most sports and other activities require you to wear a helmet for safety. If you tried to ride your motorcycle or ATV without a helmet, you are risking your life. You don’t want to crack your skull open, do you?
Downside is loss of vision. The last thing you need is making that awesome jump high in the air on your bike only for your helmet to fog up so you can’t see the landing spot. Next thing you know, you’re crashing on the ground ungracefully. If other riders are around, you chance taking them out, too, because of your own crash.
Fog Thief is going to make it so you no longer have that annoying cloudy visor problem. Slip it into your mouth, put on your helmet, then ride to your heart’s content! Make those amazing jumps and land with style!